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First World War Centenary 2014 — 2018

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  1. Auckland Star, 6 January 1917, p.12, accessed via Papers Past.
  2. Auckland Star, 14 February 1917, p.2, accessed via Papers Past.
  3. New Zealand Herald, 9 March 1917, p.7, accessed via Papers Past.
  4. The Kiwi: Official organ of the Auckland University College, 12, 1917, p.25.
  5. Auckland Star, 9 March 1917, p.4, accessed via Papers Past.
  6. New Zealand Herald, 13 April 1917, p.6, accessed via Papers Past.
  7. Auckland Star, 12 May 1917, p.16, accessed via Papers Past.
  8. This was the lowest enrolment at AUC during the war years. Of the 503 students, 275 were men and 228 women. Education: Higher Education E-7, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914, p.4 and 1918, p.28, accessed via AtoJs Online.
  9. The Kiwi, p.55.
  10. ibid.,
  11. The Kiwi, p.51.
  12. The Kiwi, pp.46, 52; Letter from Registrar to Miss Butterfield, 4 July 1917, Auckland University College letter book 1915 -1919, University of Auckland Administrative Archives.
  13. Manuka: occasional magazine of the Auckland College of Education, 9, 1918, pp.11, 58.
  14. Education: Primary Education, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918, E-2 D, p.v, accessed via AtoJs Online.
  15. Auckland Star, 10 April 1917, p.6, accessed via Papers Past.
  16. New Zealand Herald, 11 April 1917, p.8, accessed via Papers Past.
  17. Education: Higher Education E-7, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918, p.10, accessed via AtoJs Online.
  18. Auckland Star, 18 September 1917, p.9, accessed via Papers Past.
  19. New Zealand Herald, 16 November 1917, p.6, accessed via Papers Past. The site of the Old Parliament buildings, located behind the Auckland High Court, is marked by two plaques while the outline of the building is indicated by a low basalt wall.
  20. ibid.,
  21. Auckland Star, 17 November 1917, p.6; New Zealand Herald, 17 November 1917, p.8, accessed via Papers Past.
  22. New Zealand Herald, 14 December 1917, p.4, accessed via Papers Past.